When Gini was first diagnosed with her brain cancer, I began to write updates on Caring Bridge and many readers suggested that I should consider writing a book. After much prayer and consideration, the Lord put a Christian publishing group in my path, and they helped me complete The Journey Home. I thank the Lord for allowing me the privilege of completing this project. My desire is that each page would point you to the Lord as the all sufficient “I AM” to meet every need.
This book contains the lessons that Gini and I have learned during our own journey through sickness and grief and pain and worry. What we’ve learned—or perhaps I should say “relearned,” because we’ve had to learn these things time and again—is that God is good, that His love is everlasting, and that He has a perfect plan for each of us.
As we discussed trials and our facing death, I asked Gini for a single piece of advice, a kernel of wisdom that she could share with me and with the world. Without hesitation, she answered, “Just rest in the Lord.” Those five words are the foundation of this book.
The Bible promises “Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee.” And, it promises that “the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” What a joy it is to realize that we can rest and trust in a Sovereign God who controls every detail of our lives. He is holding our hand as we hold one another’s hand on our earthly journey that is a journey to our heavenly home.
Gini and I, like you, are on the journey of a “lifetime,” an all-too-brief sojourn between the cradle and the grave. And what a glorious journey it has been for us. Despite our recent challenges, Gini and I know that we have been richly blessed by a loving God and a loving family. We believe that God’s purpose in blessing us is that we might be a blessing to others.
Although we don’t fully understand our Father’s plans, we do know where He is leading. He is leading us beyond the inevitable challenges of everyday life. He is leading us beyond the physical pain of sickness and beyond the emotional pain of loss. He is leading us to Himself and to His Son. He is leading us home. He invites us to trust, follow, and rest in Him. When we do, we know that whatever happens in this world, we are secure today, tomorrow, and throughout all eternity.